Thursday, January 24, 2008

I had a career opportunity talk

This afternoon, I had a talk about my college life to the 4th year students of Holy Cross of Mintal. It was my first time to be invited in a seminar and talk about something.

I was actually nervous the whole time because I am never used of talking with a crowd. I held the microphone and talked about my experience, though I never knew what was the lesson I am going to share and what was my gestures while I was talking. Perhaps, I was too obvious to be so nervous. I had an outline which I just made while I was waiting for my turn. Miss Songahid told me to share my experiences in college so I outlined something just for my guide and I told the students about my life in college. Not exactly my whole college life, but only those experiences which I thought would give them a hint what is college life. A few minutes after, I was relieved a bit and continued my sharing fluently and I even cracked some jokes to them. I ended my talk telling them that you could not survive life in college without praying. Isn't that nice?

At last I was fully relieved after my talk when I went in my corner but I was surprise because I was given a certificate and a token. I was actually my first time to receive something like that.

I realize that I was fun having a talk and I wanted to talk some more next time and be recognized. I'll practice more so that I could give nice formal talk next time.

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